Online Qualified Digger Derrick and Signal Person (Hand, Audible and Radio) 2016


1 Digger Derrick Basics 2 hrs

2 Components 1.5 hrs

3 Inspections 1.5 hrs

4 Site Evaluation 45 mins

5 Electrical Hazards 45 mins

6 Hand Signals 45 mins

7 Stability 30 mins

8 Rigging 1.5 hrs

9 Rigging Hardware 1.5 hrs

10 Load Charts 1.5 hrs




Crane College provides an affordable online Qualified Digger Derrick Training Curriculum that serves as a Qualification as well as a Prep course for NCCCO Digger Derrick exams. This training platform is designed to verify and validate the training required to meet the OSHA requirements for a Qualified Digger Derrick Operator. Our instructors are on call to assist you and your team to be fully prepared for the written NCCCO exams. Course takes approximately 5-7 hours to complete. You have 90 days to complete this training course.

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